Spider-Man - In the Spider-Verse is not part of the Marvel film Universe | Miles Morales Big-Screen Debut
In 2015, Sony Pictures announced, 'Phil Lord' and 'Christopher Miller' would produce an Animated film Spider-Man, and earlier this year we learned that the film included Miles Morales, instead of Peter Parker.
Today at "Comic-Con in Brazil", Sony Released the first trailer of the project, and As well as the Title - "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse".
The short teaser opens with a hooded figure moving through a snowy New York City and stopping by Peter Parker's grave.
We see many scenes of this figure waddling awkwardly thrwough the buildings of the city, as a slogan tells us that "more than one wears a mask".
Miles Morales is another popular version of the character, introduced for the first time in August 2011 in Ultimate Fallout # 4.
Just Like "Peter Parker", he was bitten by a radioactive spider and developed superpowers, becoming Spiderman after the Green Goblin kills Peter.
While Marvel Studios has brought the traditional Spider-man to its biggest cinematic universe, this film will be independent of those stories.
Also, it seems that it will be an origin story, while its title implies it's a wider world.
With an innovative visual style that is the first of its kind.
Spider-Man: In Spider-Verse presents the Brooklyn teenager Miles Morales, and the unlimited possibilities of the Spider-Verse, where more than one can use the mask.
"Spider-Man: In the Spider-verse will arrive in cinemas on December 21st 2018".